Daily DigitalOcean Backup

Daily DigitalOcean Backup

Developer / web admin / business owner, it doesn’t matter which suits you best, you aim at providing the best service possible and this includes backups. More and more it has become clear to end customers that having daily backup on hand is vital to the success of the endeavor, even if it is “just in case”. These cases, when you need your backup ready, are critical points that may cost you dearly. Its just cheaper to have good backup.

Since we are dealing with DigitalOcean, backups and snapshots are built right into the system. These offer good enough solution but they hold a big problem as well: DO’s options are limited when it comes to timing of backups: either once a week (keep 4) or manually. That’s it. Need more? you are on your own!

Well, not anymore!

We have created Cloud Snapshots – a tool that helps you achieve daily DigitalOcean backups (or any other scheduling you want!) by using per-droplet unlimited schedules that allow you to really have your way. For example, for an eCommerce store you can set snapshot every 3 hours (keep 8) = cover the last 24 hours, every day (keep 4) = cover the last few days, and every week on Sunday (keep 2) = for that longer term.

We also have a nice guide on how to find the perfect scheduling for backups based on your need.

What’s your status? is your Daily DigitalOcean Backup working?

At the end of the day, we aim at finding a solution that works,  make sure it runs smoothly and move on – knowing you are in good hands. We don’t want to keep second guessing the resilience of our systems! This is why we developed the Status Email – a scheduleable (of course!) email with useful information about your daily DigitalOcean backup. For each of your droplets:

  • Meta data (name, cpus, memory, HDD size, IP, data center)
  • Number of current snapshots + how many schedules are there for this droplet.
  • When was the latest snapshot taken (super important – see at 1 glance that everything is working A-OK)
  • Total size all snapshots take + cost per month (so you can keep an eye on your costs)
  • Useful link to DO management for that snapshot (+ more links if you have CyberPanel / FastPanel to manage the server)

and total space taken + price for all your droplets alltogether.

You get this email according to your set schedule, and in 1 glance see if snapshoting works. that’s it.

You can read more about our features here.

Don’t have your DigitalOcean account yet? get an account with $100USD credits here.

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Picture of Sharon from CloudSnapshots

Sharon from CloudSnapshots

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